ESOL - English Speakers of Other Languages
ESOL Program Goals
The English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program goals are to help students obtain English language proficiency and to meet age and grade appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation. This program aids students to succeed socially and academically in all four language domains (speaking, listening, reading and writing). The program is federally mandated and was established to ensure equal access to the school system's instructional program for those students who have limited English proficiency.
All students enrolling in Tattnall County schools are surveyed to determine language background other than English. ESOL instructional support will be provided after the student qualifies based on an English language proficiency test. Eligible students are served at their home schools.
Parents have the right to remove their child from the ESOL program upon request, or decline ESOL services.
Visit the District ESOL Webpage