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What is PBIS?

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to teaching and supporting positive behaviors and meeting the needs of ALL students. This school-wide approach to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.   Our school-wide PBIS system helps students to learn the behavior expectations for various areas of our school. We hope that these clear and concise expectations will improve the school climate and help teaching and learning for all.

PBIS Logo-Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
We’re thrilled to introduce our 1st 9 Weeks Pride Patrol at North Tattnall Elementary! These exceptional 4th and 5th grade students have been chosen for their outstanding behavior, leadership, and commitment to building a positive school community. As Pride Patrol members, these students will take on leadership duties throughout the school building each day, helping to set a positive example and contribute to our school’s success.

4th Grade:
BR- Lillian Whitfield, Ahlayzia Brown, Kinzleigh Autry, Zoey Tyler
FR- McKenly Eason, Riley Henley, Ryder Meeks

5th Grade:
BR:Harvey Swain, Julius Williams, William Tapley, Yasmin Aparicio
FR: Daniel Parker, AuBrianna Todd, Selene Salazar

PBIS Monthly Rewards

  • September 3rd- Popsicles

  • October 1st- Yard Games

  • November 1st- Dance Party

  • December 2nd- Candy Cart

  • December 19th- Extra Recess

  • February 3rd- Popcorn and Movie

  • March 3rd- Game Party

  • April 1st- Pizza and Movie

  • May 2nd- Glow Party

  • May 23rd- Foam Pit

  • May 16th- End of the Year Party in the Park

PBIS Monthly Rewards