School Nurse

The Nurse’s Office is concerned with the overall health and well-being of the student and how his/her health impacts the educational process. EACH YEAR please complete and submit the Health Information Form.  It is important for the parent or guardian to keep the nurse informed of any health concerns. All information will be treated with  sensitivity and confidentiality. For matters of an urgent nature that need immediate nursing attention please contact the nurse via telephone rather than  by email.

Our mission is to enhance the educational progress and potential of the student through the promotion of good health and good health practices.

The major focus of the School Nurse is to provide components of immediate care for school-aged children, school staff and the community. This promotion of health care includes:

  • Initial assessment and early detection of health issues
  • Mandated screening for vision, hearing, and scoliosis
  • Development of emergency plans for children
  • Nursing intervention and management of health issues
  • Referrals to other appropriate professionals
  • Assessment of acute and chronic conditions
  • Promotion of healthy life styles